
Typed collection gives the ability to collect homogenous information with certain common attributes.

Ex: People, Bookmarks, Movies, Books, Wander list, Bucket list, Product Ideas, Content ideas, Quotes, Recipes etc

Assign singular name in settings for typed collections if you create a capture shortcut.


Property as the name suggests is a mechanism to add additional information for the nodes. As an alternative, we can add all the information in text format on our markdown. But, properties makes capturing this additional information and later visualizing it much better when compared to full text based information.


I can capture my recipe experiments in Recipes collection. I can choose to give rating or add date in markdown itself. Or I can choose to create properties like rating, date, ingredients etc.

Using properties will unlock possibilities like quickly capturing rating or date from mobile when I add my new recipe entry or later visualize my recipe experiments on a nice Calendar heat map etc.

Property types

Property type


Configuration options


To capture simple text information


Single select

select from predefined options

1. Default value 2. Grouping 3. Option color

Multi select

multi select from predefined options

1. Default value(s) 2. Grouping 3. Option color


to add numerical information

Default value


To quickly add a value in a given scale of range

1. Rating avatar 2. Color


To add true or false kind of information

Default value


To add email address - checks for validity of the email address



To add a web address


Time tracking

To track time and have aggregate associated to it

Sync with Pointron

Property categories

Category of property



Normal property types - requires user to set defaults and input values


The property values will be automatically populated from the metadata. Ex: created time, updated time, location etc * Values cannot be edited by the user.


Similar to normal category but the property options are pre populated by Memotron so that user doesn’t have to do all that work. * Options cannot be edited.

Use Universal properties to quickly create properties without the need to worry about creating select options etc.

Ex: Country, Currency, Language, Movie,

Extending a type

-To be updated-

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