Opening behavior

A resource can be anything - Node, Collection or a Combination.

Quick open shortcuts

Opening behavior


Open as tab

Ctrl (Cmd) + click

Open in split screen

Alt (Opt) + click

Open in full screen

Shift + click

Open as tab in background

Ctrl (Cmd) + Alt + click


Tabs gives you a way to pin the most relevant resources at a given point of time. Use Open as tab option from context menu to open any resource as a tab.


Often times, we need to cross reference resources opening them side by side. Memotron gives an easy way to do that without relying on archaic split screen setups provided by native Operating systems. Just use Alt (Opt) + click shortcut or click on Open as split option from the context menu.

Quick tip: Use Alt + Click to quickly open resources even during search. This way, you can skim through search results real fast.

Full screen

If you want to focus a particular resource and you don’t want anything to come in the way, use Open in full screen option from the context menu or use Shift + Click shortcut.

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